Check out our latest episodes…
Episode 38: Musings on Multiplayer
The backlog updates are here again and games have both entered and exited Jake and Trav's backlogs including Persona 5 and The Witcher: Wild Hunt! This episode's discussion sees the hosts speak to what makes or breaks their multiplayer experiences!
Episode 37: March Spring Cleaning Madness
The fellas are back after the Ides of March to assassinate some games from their backlogs. They discuss the newly released Mass Effect Andromeda, the much loved Horizon Zero Dawn, the addictive Overwatch, and the underappreciated Rise of the Tomb Raider before the commencement of their spring cleaning tournament. The finale has them pitting games in their backlogs against each other to determine what stays and what goes.
Episode 33: Backlog to the Basics
In episode 33, the podcast revisits its roots. Jake and Trav discuss how they track, justify, and maintain adding and removing games to their backlog, as well as discussing games that have done just that since the last episode.