Check out our latest episodes…
Episode 36: Off the Beaten Path
The 36th episode is here! Jake and Trav update you on their latest gaming updates, including what has made it into the backlog (Spoiler: Jake finally adds a game!) The discussion dives deeper and covers popular game franchises that they have never touched, and discuss why.
Episode 35: Highway to the Comfort Zone
The fellas are back and update their gaming backlogs, gaming resolution for 2017, and to see if they have made progress! The discussion topic is stepping outside of their genre comfort zone, and what it would take for them to make the plunge.
Episode 33: Backlog to the Basics
In episode 33, the podcast revisits its roots. Jake and Trav discuss how they track, justify, and maintain adding and removing games to their backlog, as well as discussing games that have done just that since the last episode.