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PolyKill: S2 E09: New Year, Same Old Britches
In this episode you'll discover something quite interesting about Steve - he only owns one pair of pants but he bathes incessantly like he's guilty about something. What is that something? He won't tell. What does the new year have in store? Will Trav try to invent time travel? Will Steve become a speedrunner and abandon the podcast? Who beat the most games? Was it CorpseFlood? Yes.
Episode 83: Laying Down the Log
2019 is here! Episode 83 sees Jake and Trav share their games beat, new resolutions for the new year, and some general tinkering with the format of the show! But were they able to complete their 2018 resolutions before the clock struck 12? Listen and find out!
Episode 58: MAGfest & 2018 Resolutions
After the long ass episode where Jake and Trav went through all of the best games they played in 2017, Polykill returns with something completely original. I'm kidding this isn't original at all. It's New Year's Resolutions, quaint. Anyway, listen to this thing because it ain't bad really. Also Trav gabs about Magfest.....nerd.