Check out our latest episodes…
Episode 75: Yeargasm 3: Through-Thinking Men
Well, Jake and Trav have been at this for three full years now, so that's a thing that gets discussed a little in this episode. They also answer some listener questions, as well as discuss the games that they have bought, sold, traded, hawked, fenced, bartered, stolen, and hustled.
Episode 59: The 2018 Hot or Not List
So this time Jake and Travis talk about games that they beat (big surprise) and they added to their shame piles. Then they do this thing where they rate how excited they are for some of this year's big releases. They think that we care about that for some reason. Whatever, there's some good jokes.
Episode 50: Polykillin' It Live
The podcast has reached a milestone episode and to celebrate, Jake and Trav streamed the episode live! All the normal segments are here, and a big shakeup in Jake's console lineup gets announced. Trav reveals a smorgasbord of games that left his pile of shame, and listener questions are the topic of discuush!