Check out our latest episodes…
Episode 51: Snap Into a Sim, Jim
Do you like managing virtual worlds, or driving a truck across Europe? How about growing crops, or keeping dangerous inmates behind bars? Episode 51 discusses all the genre of simulation games, with Jake and Trav praising their favorites and what makes sim games just so darn fun. More games are knocked off and onto the backlog as Jake keeps buying games for the Switch.
Episode 40: We're Ready Player One
In the 40th episode of the podcast, Jake and Trav welcome their first ever guest on the show, Sean (aka Player One) of the Cartridge Club! News in the gaming world is discussed, games that have made their way into and out of the backlog are covered and more! The genesis and details of the Cartridge Club are detailed in this episode's discussion!
Episode 38: Musings on Multiplayer
The backlog updates are here again and games have both entered and exited Jake and Trav's backlogs including Persona 5 and The Witcher: Wild Hunt! This episode's discussion sees the hosts speak to what makes or breaks their multiplayer experiences!