DrunkFriend Episode 42 - Cannot Be Tamed Again!

It's old people central here with lots of meandery discussions between Trav (NESfriend), Alex (SNESdrunk), and Pam (Cannot Be Tamed). Topics include tartar sauce, tomatoes, the weather, and random pains. They also talk about modern games, the Sega CD, and what's been happening on their respective YT channels in addition to reading some emails and listener questions.

Send an email to drunkfriendpodcast at gmail.com
Visit http://www.polymedianetwork.com for more shows!
Find Alex on Twitter @SNESdrunk, Trav @travplaysgames, and Pam @jasyla_

Shoutout to Kulor for the music https://soundcloud.com/commodorekulor

Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/snesdrunk)


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