Earthbound Dreams How Nostalgia Impacts the Gaming Experience
By Mr. Mullet Gaming
YouTube Channel
This story was submitted through the Polymedia Writer’s Guild.
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I fondly remember watching my brother play classic JRPGs such as Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, and Chrono Trigger. There was something about these games, whether it was the music, story, or character development that drew me in; I was entranced. I felt calm and relaxed - we hardly spoke as I watched him play. It was a silent bonding experience that we still hold onto . One day, I tried my hand at Final Fantasy VI, but soon realized it was over my head. I probably made it 30 minutes before putting a stop to it. I did not experience the same fun playing the game as I did watching. Instead, I enjoyed playing 3D platformers like Mario 64, these types of games provided an endless amount of fun and excitement for me.
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As a kid, the slow gameplay and strategic thinking deterred me from JRPG’s. I recall playing Final Fantasy VI and when I reached the part where Sabin is introduced, I could not get the move set needed to beat the boss on Mt. Kolts, Vargus. The Pummel blitz technique did not register with my young brain, therefore, I could not defeat this boss - ending my JRPG experience for more than 20 years. Afterward, I turned to 3D platformers - as mentioned earlier. At the time, 3D platformers were brand new and offered something extraordinary to video games. I eagerly hopped on this bandwagon and found myself enjoying these 3-dimensional worlds full of fast-paced gameplay, exciting item collecting, and a colorful array of sights!
Let’s fast-forward! Today, I am a 30-something family-man that is slowly gaining success within my profession. To decompress and unwind from the stressors of the day, I, like many others within a certain demographic, play video games. Having grown up playing video games, I’m nostalgic for retro consoles from the 1990’s: SNES, Genesis, and N64. I still gravitate toward these consoles and have an outward excitement when playing their games. My recent gaming experience centers on games that were too challenging for me years ago, while others were staples that I’ve played numerous times. Regardless, sometimes a game comes along and floods your brain with emotions that one cannot describe. For me, this is Earthbound.
I recently played through and beat the cult classic JRPG, Earthbound, and was blown away! Twenty-seven years since its release, I reflected on my experience and asked: how can an older game impact one so strongly now? Is it the gameplay mechanics? Story? Graphics? After deeper reflection, I think the actual reason I experienced such strong emotions while playing through Earthbound was because it triggered my nostalgia. It left me longing for the simpler, more carefree times of the mid 90’s, when my dad was still alive and when weekend trips to my grandmother’s house and enjoying her cable T.V. were times that I wish I didn’t take for granted.
I know this mind-set is subjective, but if a game triggers memories of these times, then it has made some sort of impact. Earthbound isn’t the best game I’ve ever played, but it is in my top 5, and probably the best game I’ve played in the last 15 years, but this is coming solely from an experience perspective. Recall a time when you immersed yourself in an activity. How did you feel? Did time flow like the gentle current of a stream? Did you yearn to continue even after you stopped? We’ve all been there before. Our brains zero in on this activity as synapses fire. We lose all sense of reality, we’re entranced, hypnotized.This is my experience when playing Earthbound for the first time.In hindsight, to think of Earthbound as just a video game is to miss the deeper elements of friendship and family. For me and my experience playing this game, I looked at the relationships the protagonists have with their family and friends. I identified Ness as a natural born leader, but the development he needed to undergo which occurred throughout the game. Finally, I understood a contrast from many RPG’s of the era that children were the true heroes. The emotion invoked within this game correlated with my own life. Love, relationships we build in life, and pure determination will shine through and persevere - as what happened during the game’s final battle.
Yes, the depth of the story, humorous depiction of the RPG genre, and music make this game remarkable, but it’s the nostalgia that flooded my brain and led to an irreplaceable feeling that has been absent from many games I’ve played.
We find ourselves living in a world where COVID, political, and global turmoil have plagued our lives. Where turning on the news may cause stress and anxiety. Playing Earthbound provided me an escape and stirred a nostalgic feeling that offered immense joy. Earthbound may not trigger these emotions for everyone, but I’m sure many can relate and identify with what I’ve experienced
My point is, you should embrace these feelings during your gaming experience, dream big dreams, and most importantly, never grow up!
For a lighter version of my Earthbound experience, check out my YouTube review here